June 21, 2013

  • nuts , nuts everywhere.

     squirrels are interesting animals. they do what they do without question and from what we gather, enjoy it. they fulfill what the species of squirrel does as it meant for on the earth with uncommon diligence and vigor. no questioning what a squirrel is, we have a saying that goes pretty much into the gist of squirrel-dom ,  we squirrel things away for later use. so, when we watch them we see the entirety of what they are meant to do, being preformed effectively and nonstop, they are the species squirrel. now, there is a problem with the idea of species when it comes to humans. we know we are a species. this cant be argued against effectively by the religious practices of denial, unfortunately for them  medicine and my beloved science anthropology/paleontology has pretty much forced them to resort to the what begot the amino acid as a last ditch effort to prove some miraculous superiority over the rest of the animal kingdom. words cant describe what goes through me when i encounter a person that will ,with great emotive and authority denounce anything regarding the science of anthropology or for that matter anything within the realm of zoology as pertinent to our existence. honestly, i just kind of stand there dumbstruck that such a mentality should exist in modern times, within the metropolis and with all the technology which is an application largely of anthropology ..shape of chairs even. it can really set a person back.

     anyways, superstition and wild theories is our thing isn’t it? i mean did we really believe in a tooth fairy? not sure, we just knew that if we went along with it, good things happen. 

     so, we have the species of human. this is a no-brainer statement. if you went up to someone and said what species are we, they would quip off the sapiens part easily enough. feeling satisfied that yes, we are separated by monkeys by name and that generally they are a whole different bag of marbles, although the similarities reprove our separation drastically more then our species traits. fine. i can go with this too, in fact i am not really different when it comes to this part of being human. i once asked someone what the one main question they would ask an alien species would be. you know, i have actually asked a few people this. they all have metaphysical and other social requests regarding the alien. when it is my turn, no matter what i do, i always come to the same exact question. for some reason, my logic always works the stuff out, can you help us..are you/we compatible etc etc… it always comes to one real question. i have only one. from this one i can figure everything i need out.

    do you forget your animal like me?

     this is the the problem with us as a species. we forget we are a species. no problem with squirrels, i expect a squirrel to act a certain way and well, yea it does. but humans, we think we understand species and then somehow forget it. we forget that we have drugs in our bodies that enhance the bonding effect. that it was evolved over millenia , to permeate the non physical trait of culture. we forget that even if we think it is not affecting us, we are a species and this is a real thing in our species. there is no avoiding it. so, we see that interesting balance, between human mental constriction of i am not affected by it, not really understanding that the very energy to deny it is actually an expression of it. we sit around dazed and confused, because , humans will not allow themselves to be animals. 

     it is hard isn’t it? try to do this as an experiment. try to go through a day, constantly reminding yourself that you are a species of animal. try to watch your reactions and your behaviors as if they were you watching a squirrel just doing it’s thing. watch where you mind goes. it is hard. we tend to abandon it after what a person , individual would call a good effort. but strangely, we think that if we abandon it, it is gone.hence, we do not understand species,  not at all.  i suppose one would wager this as the source of problems around the world. laying claim that as a species we are warrant to act a certain way and so on. truth is, as a species we are not all that bad. not very aggressive against the earth at all. we became that way when we slowly became independent of the nature. then, that weird egomaniac mindset sets in. we began to force the mental image of what we think is real into the environment. now we see skyscrapers, buildings that at anytime, can potentially hold drastically more people in one place , than would be realistically possible. we consider this progress by the way. it is that whole bonding thing, you know..more the merrier?

     our species is fascinating.not by our mental application of our traits, but the traits and the story behind them. why we stand erect, why we see in stereoscopic, why we have complex vocalizations, the amazing dexterity of the primate mind using the miracle of our hands and the mind that is able to abstractly communicate things that do not even exist in the immediate environment. we are stunning. as a species, there has never been anything like us. but, as a species we practice defying our nature more then any other animal alive. present or extinct. 

    which leads to curious conditions doesn’t it? 

     squirrels , they are perfect for what they do because, they do it. we on the other hand, have complete knowledge of what we are, what our species is, can use that as a convenient excuse for otherwise pleasure seeking behavior, but really.. we never do fully accept it. so between the two, one has a purpose and a valid effect the other has no clue what it’s purpose is and further has no idea how to prevent it’s very real effect. take a guess which one is which. maybe, we should start from base one. first, we should understand what species really is, then, apply what we understand towards the earth.you never know, we may give the squirrels a run for their money.

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