May 19, 2013

  • back to basics

     I once had a blog that was dedicated to ufo and all strangeness. there are ideas and perceptions about this phenomena , ( one of the few times that word has been used correctly in modern language); which remain stigmatic to a persons vision when researched. one of the most prevalent ones is this strange bias that ufo or alien visitation only truly began with media that can be reproduced. for example photographs. such is not the case, not in a long shot, in fact i am more apt to accept to a higher degree second hand testimony from before technology like that exist. it deals with the mindset of the people at the time. one example i always have at hand in my mind when i read stuff about visitation is the french coast invasion in the 14 hundreds. there were three disc like objects that flew off the coast in full view of hundreds of people. they went a few miles offshore and in each, an occupant in a suit that can only be described as a deeps sea diver type leaped off and dived below the ocean surface. this was while the french naval batteries were trying like mad to shoot them in the water. they wasted over one hundred rounds of cannon fire, to no avail. the discs eventually scooped their passengers up and they flew off over the land and up the coast. subsequently there were sightings in different regions of France two more times, one more inland and the other more north up the coast.

     so what of it? why would i focus on that as a guideline when reading the reports and paraphernalia of the ufo stuff? well, compare that to the tale of a person who when she was a little girl in 56 claimed to have been abducted. she stated (later in the mid 80′s) , that a huge green fireball went soaring over her farmhouse and collided into the ground and barn. she then recounted that the military appeared and they were scooping up everything with gadgets and even stated she saw some officers walking with aliens at one point. she was in her room and story goes that an alien was smooth talking her, and telling her that she is safe , the military then advanced into the room and she describes the military in a  derogatory fashion from the start. she describes that she was wary of them and that she didn’t trust them.this is in 56. the problem? there is no real likely reason a little girl in 1956 would distrust the military. they were seen as heroes by one and all. they had just won the war very recently. the greater part of the populace didn’t see the military as anything like one would see them today. in other words the more you read her description , as she describes the event in her recollection as a little girl. it becomes mysterious why she automatically was thinking of the military personal ( who were trying to calm her down and give a sedative) . in fact, in one objective view , you would actually interpret the military personal , a nurse and someone else, as trying to help a little girl that was suffering trauma from having a bromide meteorite smash into her barn. the fact they spent hours trying to help her talk it out and help her relax, shows only the true dedication and genuine concern. the female, didn’t see it this way. she describes it, as if she was living in the 70′s and it was the ‘man’ that had come to brainwash her.

     no matter how modern the story looks, no matter how detailed and recognizable it is, you have to question the time and place. so, the french 14 or 16 century one, i submit, there is no way these people, could have perceived technology that would exist centuries after them and further more not refer to it in a religious context. but as a deftly inscribed description of alien craft. they were able to describe the craft and the divers, the fact they could fly (with no wings?). this remains remarkable. i can only assume that this is as true and reliable as a photo. 

     and so.. this is how it goes, things like this swamp the ufo as a condition in society. we all have an individual stance and further an individual myth behind it. to some it is totally human made. this is not probable. sightings, reliable as detailed and highly relevant as modern ones go before written history. multicultural too. though i am skeptical of the daniken artifacts. i am not dissuaded by the testimony of individuals throughout history.

    one example was a priest in 15 century italy. who was visited by two beings. he described the two individuals as explaining the meaning of the universe and the philosophy as a metaphysical condition.the whole thing was almost based on existentialism. the ideas that the priest related were far , far , very far beyond the way people of his time envision the universe.there is no way such modern vision of life and death would remotely exist at that time.yet there it is, written down, eternally, for people to read and contemplate. this priest was visit by two aliens who told him tons and tons of information.not a god, not a holy spirit , not an angel , he describes them as being from space. which is where they informed him they came from. so before the sky was understood to be gas and with a boundary, this priest knew that earth was finite and space was boggles me.

     i trust that story more then i trust 99 percent of the footage or photos i seen on the net. it is because. in the 15 century, the church was totally against any philosophy that contradicts the churches.they were actively making sure that none of the conflicting attitudes of the pre-socratic greek philosophers spread. in other words, there is literally no way the priest could have a concept of metaphysical existence.none at all.

    so as you can see, the idea that only modern accounts are reliable is poppycock. many of the ancient ones don’t describe a father figure type of alien or an all seeing and wise one. they were described in all sizes and shapes with mischievousness to emphatic traits. don’t recall one that was hostile to any human in the ancient literature.

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